Nokia Phones V Samsung Phones The 2010 Best mobile seller

There is only so much the Apple iPhones and the RIM (Research in Motion) produced Blackberry smartphones can accomplish and do. The medium segment and the budget phone segments that constitute the bulk of the mobile phone market is very much up for grabs. And there is a fierce battle on to snatch away the bigger portion between Nokia phones and Samsung phones. There is also the third contender in the form of the Taiwanese mobile phone major, HTC Corporation to reckon with too.

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But here let us focus our attention on the nokia mobile phones and the samsung mobile phones . Nokia will any day walk away with the veteran of the industry award.

In the mobile phone industry, Nokia has been around ever since it all began about 15 to 20 years ago It is generally believe that every third mobile phone handset being used anywhere on this planet is likey to be Nokia mobile phone device. Over the years, new entrants with newer technology and workmanship came over and brought in changes both in the way the new mobile phone handsets looked as well as how they performed. This naturally led to the erosion of a good portion of Nokia's market share.

The South Korean mobile phone giant, Samsung can take lot of credit for this calamity that has fallen on Nokia. With its sparkling mobile phone handsets that seems to come to life at the slightest touch of our fingertips the Samsung phones brought in a wave of smartphones that were simply awe inspiring. Smartphone handsets like the Samsung Bada, Samsung Wave, Samsung Omnia, and now the entire Samsung Galaxy series of smartphones starting with the smartet of smartphones, the Samsung Galaxy, Samsung seems to be in a tearing hurry to leave behidn not just Nokia, but just about everyone in the field.

But this is easier said than doene. Nokia, on its part, has launched the Nokia N97, Nokia 900, and now the mega selling Nokia N8. The Nokia N8 happens to be only the second smartphone device in the work to carry a 12 mega pixel camera device.

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